[Salon] DeSantis Future

The Verity Courier

DeSantis Future

By Ron Estes

7 September 2022

In December 2017,  President Trump announced that the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and ordered the planning of the relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the decision and praised the announcement.

President Trump wasn’t alone, his decision to move the Embassy had a zealous supporter, Florida Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis, who had been pushing the issue for several years.

Congressman DeSantis, from Ponte Vedra Beach, then introduced a bill to have Congress declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel and to seek to move the United States Embassy there by the beginning of 2019.

DeSantis had introduced similar bills in the past and this one, labeled “The Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel Act,” was aimed at supporting and reinforcing Trump’s declaration. It stated that it would be U.S. policy to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, and it expressed the sense of Congress that the President shall relocate the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem by January 1, 2019.

DeSantis, who took office as the Governor of Florida in January 2019, promised to be “the most pro-Israel governor in America,” and declared Israel to be “the only democracy in the Middle East.” DeSantis has kept the promise. 

The United States was the first country to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. That’s because UNGA 181, the resolution under whose aegis Israel declared independence, declared Jerusalem to be an independent city, corpus separatum, to be administered by the UN. Israel occupies the city illegally, and therefore does not hold sovereignty in the city. The U. S. was also the first nation in the world to relocate its Embassy in the city.

There were many in Washington at the time, who questioned what benefit that policy decision brought the United States.

To criticism that the policy decision, and DeSantis support of it, buttressed Israeli national security interests, while sacrificing the national security interests of the Unted States, DeSantis declared “America must do the right thing regardless of the consequences." Many in the halls of Congress and federal agencies, asked,”why?” What is the right thing? Don’t U.S. national security interests come first to loyal Americans?  Florida voters are being inveigled to vote for a politician whose dedication to U.S, national security interests has been challenged. The Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem alienated 1.9 billion Muslims. Did that serve U.S. national security interests? Americans well-remember the 2001 Muslim 9/11 attack launched because of U.S. support for the  Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. The attack killed more Americans than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 

DeSantis doesn’t hesitate to attribute positive characteristics to the state of Israel that don’t fit. An example is his comment that Israel is“the only democracy in the Middle East.”  The statement is false, Lebanon and Tunisia are Parliamentary Democracies, and Jordan and Morocco are Constitutional Monarchies modeled after the 12 Monarchies in Europe.

It would arouse many concerns if the governor who vowed to be “the most pro-Israel governor in America,” were given the opportunity to declare himself the most pro-Israel President in our history. 

Somehow during his years in Congress, DeSantis failed to learn from the many foreign affairs professionals he would have encountered, the conviction that our relationship with Israel adversely affects our strategic interests in the Middle East.

Ron Estes served 25 years as an Operations Officer in the CIA Clandestine Service.

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